Sunday, April 4, 2010

He is RISEN, indeed!

Happy Easter, friends!

I spent Sunday morning at the Lincoln Memorial - I am always amazed at the beauty of His creation, and the colors were especially breathtaking at 0630. Wish you could have been there!

I watched the sunrise over our nation's Capitol and thanked God for the freedom to worship Him out loud and in public. But more than that, I was grateful for the miraculous, selfless sacrifice my Jesus offered so many years ago:

To love me enough to die for me.

To willingly lay His spotless life on the cross and exchange His perfection for my imperfections - past, present, and future.

To raise again on the third day in victory over death and sin.

To reconcile my heart to our Heavenly Father, never to be separated again.

He did that for me. And He did that for YOU.

Hope you're swimming in the JOY that is Resurrection Sunday and basking in the truth of this miracle: He is RISEN, indeed.
